"Rich's 180 Rule Management System has worked like magic with our sales reps. I've watched their enthusiasm for meeting their goals spike as a result of using Rich's Selling in the Now techniques."
Sr. VP Global Marketing, Frost & Sullivan -
"Rich Lucia captures the essence of motivation by understanding what works today and conveys it in an easy to understand, humorous manner. He energizes the audience and helps unlock the ability to succeed."
Program Manager, Lockheed Martin
May the Sale Be With You
Turned off by trying selling techniques that simply don't work? That won't change until you apply "Now Selling Techniques" to meet your customers where they live today.
The 180 Rule for Business Development
Business Development has changed dramatically in recent times. Using the 180 Rule provides us with a methodology to harness our power from within to get on track and keep on track.
Blog Posts
Thank You, Thank You Very Much
3 Things About Millennial Business Development
Are You Selling Like a Four Year Old’s Soccer Game
I found myself in the city of Nashville last week and had the opportunity to walk along Broadway. It was amazing. People everywhere were enjoying the city’s history as the sounds of country music filled the streets from every bar I passed. I watched the smiles as passersby soaked up the experience when there it […]
1. By the year 2020, Millennials will be over 50 percent of the workforce. That means that over 50 percent of B to B buyers as well as sellers will be Millennials. 2. Millennials don’t buy the way many of our sales training programs recommend and over 50% of Millennial sales people will not sell […]
This past weekend, I had the pleasure of stopping by a four-year-old’s soccer game. I watched as these boys and girls had the best time chasing a soccer ball in unison, up and down the field. There were no plays and their techniques yielded to a recurring cheer of, “get it”, kick harder”. It occurred […]